April 25, 2017

makes: a lot

1 pint of ex thick double cream
500g various soft cheeses – philli, marscapone etc.
100g sugar
1 packet chocolate shorties (orange chocolate if you want to do orange cheesecake as well)
Fruit juice (2-4oz) + either zest or pulp of a couple of relevant fruits.
2 oz butter.
Cocoa powder (i.e. not drinking chocolate)

Smash the packet of chocolate biscuits to pieces.
Press down into base of vessel being used.
Sprinkle cocoa powder over the base
Melt the butter and pour over the smushed biscuits.
Put in the fridge.

Beat up the soft cheese
add the sugar until it’s a nice soft consistency – soft peaks.
Whip the double cream in, again to forming nice peaks.
Fold in the fruit juice and pulp
Check flavour
Pour over the biscuit base
Put in the fridge to chill for a couple of hours

If you have appropriate fruit pulp/sauce pour over the top.

The Legendary Crepe Cake
April 25, 2017


(makes 3, inch-high, cakes – 1 will serve ~8)

4 bottles of betty crocker pancake mix, WELL shaken up
2 large jars of nutella – REMOVE THE metallic stuff.
300g Sour Cream

Ideally this requires a relay effort. One for the crepes and one for the spreading. One person can do it, but it’s more fun…

1. Heat the pan, and make the crepes as per the instructions.
2. Melt the nutella in the microwave – 1 minute on full
3. spread the nutella over each pancake, until the stack of crepe-nutella-crepe-nutella is an inch high.
4. Hide a multitude of sins with a layer of nutella.
5. Put in the fridge for an hour.
6. proceed to next cake.

When all the cakes are assembled, and you’re ready to serve, nuke the cake in the microwave for 30s. Split each cake into 8, and serve with a spoon of sour cream.

Vegan Chocolate Cake
April 25, 2017

1 and a half cups unbleached white flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup sugar
half a cup of mixed, chopped nuts (optional)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
half a cup cold water or soy milk
half a cup of orange juice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons vinegar
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sift dry ingredients into 8″ square or 9″ round baking pan. Mix liquids (except vinegar) and whisk into dry. When batter is smooth, add vinegar and stir quickly, until it is evenly distributed. Put it in the oven, don’t let it stand around (that has something to do with the vinegar) Bake for 25-30 minutes…or longer until done. This cake is great served with Provamel’s soya dream (cream like).

Truffles – Vegan
April 25, 2017

25g Venezualan Black chocolate grated
1tbsp cocoa powder
4 partially rehydrated large figs
50g Raisins
70g pitted chopped dates
170g Hazelnut butter
pinch sea salt flakes
2tsp vanilla essence

Put all the ingredients in food processor, until the mixture is fairly smooth. It needs to be pulsed, and will probably need to be prodded into submission due to thickness of mixture.
Put in the fridge overnight.
Turn into teaspoon sized balls, and roll in appropriate coatings. Alternatively put whole hazelnuts in the middle and then roll in chopped hazelnuts.Coatings:
chopped hazelnuts
cinnamon & clove
sesame seeds
ground almonds


Improv dessert
April 25, 2017

1 egg
1 yolk
1/2 pint milk
1 oz flour
1 oz butter
1 bar chocolate (dark)
3 oz sugar
smoked salt
vanilla essence

Make a roux, melt in the chocolate, whisk in the egg+yolk. add the vanilla, salt, sugar. Whisk till smooth, put in bain marie in crock pot for half an hour or so on high.