April 25, 2017

makes: a lot

1 pint of ex thick double cream
500g various soft cheeses – philli, marscapone etc.
100g sugar
1 packet chocolate shorties (orange chocolate if you want to do orange cheesecake as well)
Fruit juice (2-4oz) + either zest or pulp of a couple of relevant fruits.
2 oz butter.
Cocoa powder (i.e. not drinking chocolate)

Smash the packet of chocolate biscuits to pieces.
Press down into base of vessel being used.
Sprinkle cocoa powder over the base
Melt the butter and pour over the smushed biscuits.
Put in the fridge.

Beat up the soft cheese
add the sugar until it’s a nice soft consistency – soft peaks.
Whip the double cream in, again to forming nice peaks.
Fold in the fruit juice and pulp
Check flavour
Pour over the biscuit base
Put in the fridge to chill for a couple of hours

If you have appropriate fruit pulp/sauce pour over the top.